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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fall Fun and more work....

Wow! I can't believe we've gotten so much done with the house lately! The basement is all done except waiting for the carpet guy to install carpet in Ieshia's room and the hallway. So, therefore we are unable to finish trim right now. Derek and Emily's rooms are 100% completely finished! For a while now we have been talking about Willie and Debbie's rooms. They have wanted to switch rooms because 1) It's a straighter shot to get Willie to his room and
2) Because Debbie needs the bigger room.
We also needed to replace drywall on the outside walls so that they can be properly insulated. So, the work has begun! First was a trip to People's! John loves that store. We got the lumber to finish trim in the basement after the carpet is laid and also drywall, and insulation for Willie's room. Derek is only 8 years old but he is a worker! He is like a 30 year old trapped in an 8 year olds body. Derek is John's right hand "man". He probably works harder that most young men that we know. Here he is helping unload the truck!

After the foundation was replaced on this house, the bi-fold closet doors just didn't work right. They were crooked and never stayed on track. We also noticed that the shelving above the closets were close to falling out. Anyway, John took all that out and decided to start over and use regular closet doors. Boy, what a 'shocker' we had when we seen the wiring! It was a total mess!! Kind of scary actually to know that there were bare wires and also no junction boxes whatsoever! Thanks to John, it's all fixed now!! These pictures show the wires exactly how we found them.....

Tonight we went to our friends' (Gary and Sandra) house. John dropped a few things off , but to the kids it was like a field trip! We got to see Brownie, who is one of Mocha's pups! Brownie is a wonderful dog. She looks and acts a lot like Mocha.
Derek liked the cat, I think her name was Mitzy.
Gary also showed us his Big Bad Rooster.....
And Emily liked petting on of the chickens.....
The peacocks were beautiful and all the kids went home with souvenirs of peacock feathers!!
I thought the pumpkin patch was pretty neat! We trampled through the patch and looked at the pumpkins and the kids each picked out one to bring home. Gary gave me a 'Blue Moon" pumpkin. It's pretty cool looking!

Next week we are going to go back and get a few more pumpkins. The kids love going out to Gary and Sandras' house!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Home Make Over...

I took a few more pictures of the 'new' living room. I had been shopping for window coverings for a few days. Man! They are expensive!! Even at Wal-Mart one panel is around $20! I needed one blind for the door, 2 for the end windows, and 3 for the big picture window. Not to mention 8 curtain panels! That really adds up fast. When we decided to do the living room, we used extra things that we already had. ie...leftover drywall, paint, outlets and switches and so on.....all we had spent was around $5.00 for outlet and switch covers!! I really love bargains and I had been watching adds for sales for a few days. Finally, yesterday, I had my big break! We were at Lowes and they had blinds on sale. For the huge picture window, I needed 2 blinds for the small end windows and one huge one for the middle.....Can you believe that I found that huge blind marked down from around $60 to only $18??? I was thrilled.....At Wal-mart I found some sheer panels on sale for around $4 per panel!!! I also got a few brand new in box blinds at Goodwill for a little of nothing! So, John and I decided to use blinds and sheers for now. Later on I will gets some nice drapes to add. But imagine how happy I was to get all 6 blinds and 8 panels for under $70!!!! Which adds up to a living room makeover for under $75.00! Now thats amazing!

Well, anyway, it's clean, compfy, cozy, updated and we love the new look!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Apples are here.....

September is the month for Apples!!! We had a bunch of apples given to us from a friend here in town. We really loaded up the truck! I had never canned apples before. I have put them in the freezer but never canned them. These apples were really tasty and were not sour or bitter.
We borrowed a peeler/corer/slicer from Mom. I did it for awhile and then John went to work. Debbie helped too by peeling the old fashioned way!
After 5 hours, I ended up with 18 quarts of apples and 5 quarts of chunky applesauce.
I cooked them first with cinnamon and sugar....just perfect to put in a pie or apple cobbler......I'm feeling hungry just thinking about it!!
And then the next day......Back to some tomatoes!
The rest of the week will be consisting of painting and putting ceramic tile back in the bathroom in the basement. I really think I need a vacation!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Another week of Work....

Here is your dose of cute for the day! Our neighbors dog wondered over into our yard and Emily latched onto him and played for quite awhile! She is such an animal lover.

On Sunday afternoon, John and I took the kids to go pick apples!! We picked about 4 bushels! So I guess I will be canning apples this week!
John and I spent the last week doing a makeover on the living room. It was long over due! We repainted everything, ie...walls, trim, door, It looks nice...We also removed the wall between the living room and the hallway. We really opened up the entryway and hallway. It makes it so much easier to get Willie's wheelchair down the hall. Come to find out, the ceiling supports had been cut and wasn't supported, so it was actually a good thing that it was fixed and supported with a beam.

John also spent a couple of hours scrubbing the hardwood floors in the living room....Seems like he does everything! haha I work right along with him it's just that no one else takes many pictures....

John replaced all of the outlets, switches, and covers...
Here is my 'bargain' light that I bought at a yard sale for $5.00! I love it and it looks really nice in the entryway....

Here are a few pictures of my living room after the renovation.....Everything is updated, fresh and clean!

I couldn't resist taking these pictures of the kids! I love to see them all cleaned up. Here they are getting ready for Sunday School...This coming week I have to can some tomatoes, salsa, and apples. I also have to paint Ieshia's room and put up a wallpaper border for her. This weekend her carpet will be installed. I will also be able to put the downstairs bathroom back together after John gets the ceramic tile all replaced! So, as you can see, I have a lot to do and I will be taking more pictures to post during this next week! I will also have more pictures of the living room!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Time to catch up.........

Wow...I can't believe it has been so long since I updated my blog...I can't even explain to you how busy we have been! The carpet was laid in Derek and Emilys room last week and then we moved all of their stuff back in. They were so excited to have their rooms back! We also stripped Emilys dresser and desk and freshly painted them and they are so precious! They are white with pink handles. A lot of work on the house has been completed but their is still some left. The thing is, John and I really do enjoy fixing things and so it's kind of like a past time for us. When we need a break then I spend a few days in the kitchen and John goes out in the garage for a few days, or work in the yard and then it's back to the house. So even tho' we aren't fast at it, it does get done!
A few days before school started, we took the kids to Lake Story for the afternoon to
play...Sharayah went with us also...It was a gorgeous day and every one had a lot of fun!

The first day of school came all too fast this year! Derek and Emily started 3rd grade this year! Ieshia had already left byt the time I remembered to get out my camera!

Emily likes helping in the garden and just helped me pick these tomatoes!
One of the foster children we had many years ago, Damon, came to visit over the Labor Day weekend....He came to live with us when he was 8 years old and left when he was 11. As you can see he's all grown up now and will be 21 in a few weeks.! We always enjoy seeing the kids and catching up and everything they have been doing....while he was here he helped John put carpet padding in Derek's room...

A few areas in the house needed some drywall repair....basically the wall was covered in painted paneling and we in need of an update, so it was replaced with drywall. We had a few sheets of drywall left over and since we really don't have a place to store it..we decided to use it and fix a few things.....and besides....John always has to have something to do!

John has been spending a lot of time lately working around the house......filling in seams and getting the living room ready for a fresh coat of was time to freshen up a few spots, so while we had everything handy...he got started on the mud and tape and I have been sprucing op the woodwork and painting trim...

Of course this means that I have more painting to do....but I love they way a room looks after it's all freshly painted....and decorated.