2) Because Debbie needs the bigger room.
We also needed to replace drywall on the outside walls so that they can be properly insulated. So, the work has begun! First was a trip to People's! John loves that store. We got the lumber to finish trim in the basement after the carpet is laid and also drywall, and insulation for Willie's room. Derek is only 8 years old but he is a worker! He is like a 30 year old trapped in an 8 year olds body. Derek is John's right hand "man". He probably works harder that most young men that we know. Here he is helping unload the truck!
Tonight we went to our friends' (Gary and Sandra) house. John dropped a few things off , but to the kids it was like a field trip! We got to see Brownie, who is one of Mocha's pups! Brownie is a wonderful dog. She looks and acts a lot like Mocha.

Derek liked the cat, I think her name was Mitzy.
Gary also showed us his Big Bad Rooster.....
And Emily liked petting on of the chickens.....
The peacocks were beautiful and all the kids went home with souvenirs of peacock feathers!!
I thought the pumpkin patch was pretty neat! We trampled through the patch and looked at the pumpkins and the kids each picked out one to bring home. Gary gave me a 'Blue Moon" pumpkin. It's pretty cool looking!
Next week we are going to go back and get a few more pumpkins. The kids love going out to Gary and Sandras' house!