Isn't the weather we are having absolutely gorgeous?? I love the fall like weather! I was reading the latest issue of MaryJanesFarm....there was an article called "Gratitude Attitude". It was about focusing in the positive and being grateful for what you have, what you have accomplished, and what your working for. I really enjoyed the article and it got me thinking. If everyone goes around with a 'gratitude attitude' this world would be such a different place! I started thinking about all I was grateful for....a wonderful husband who I love more than I ever have, a strong marriage....even though we had a lot of bumps in the road, it is stronger than ever. I'm also grateful for all my children! I have the cutest, prettiest, funniest, goofiest, most caring, loving children! I wouldn't want to live without any one of them! I'm very grateful that I still have my beautiful Mother, my sisters and my brother! I love my home, and and all the nice things we have! I'm am grateful that I was given the talent to play the piano and grateful for all the things that I have accomplished!
We all have so much to be grateful where is your Gratitude Attitude?????
And while I'm on the subject......I'm grateful for my new Washer and Dryer!!!!!
John has decided the time has come to renovate his Mothers room....It is 1 of the 3 rooms we have left in the house to do. I have a few pics to share of the demolition...of course Derek and Emily were good helpers! This room has wiring issues too. Check out the picture....they used red car wire for the plug
I will be posting pics on the progress of her room....Hopefully it will be done soon and we can start on the main bathroom! Then all that is left it the kitchen! WooHoo.....Can't wait!! I will sign off for now and post a couple of more pictures of Peanut...Emily dressed him in a CUTE!