On the last day of the kids four day weekend, I decided it would be a good day to clean their rooms! Before the holidays, I like to do a little de-clutter to their rooms to make way for christmas gifts, and to make room for playing indoors since it is winter and cold out. The first room I cleaned was Emilys. I took all of her summer clothes and put them in a tote to make more room in her closet. We rearranged her furniture and vacuumed as well as went thru her toys and books. We also added a clean set of flannel sheets and she is ready for winter. Here is her room all nice and clean..........

If you couldn't tell, the theme of Ieshia's room is music! And yes, that is a keyboard that I spent five hours on taping and painting around her entire room.
Then it was on to Dereks room to pick up hotwheel car tires, legos, and every other small toy. He also got a nice new set of flannel sheets to keep him warm and cozy on those cool nights coming up. I also spent a few minutes vacuuming and dusting in his room and now it's all nice and clean.....take a look..................................................
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