All is quiet on the homefront right now. Everyone is in bed and Mom just dozed off. It is unbelievable just how much there is to do in this house on a daily basis! Between laundry, cleaning, cooking, running errands and keeping every one happy, I hardly ever have a minute to rest! Oh and did I forget to mention the two dogs and two cats??? Well, here is smokey...
.And here is Brady....................................
.And of course my sweet doggy, Mocha.......................
The other dog, Tootie is usually outside. I know the animals look all cute and sweet but they sometimes keep me hopping.Mom was hungry for chocolate cake and chocolate frosting so I bought one at the store and Emily helped me make it today...........

Mom was relaxing (as much as possible) in the comfy chair.......This was her first time using the mixer, under Mommy's supervision of course!
It was very good! Later I was walking in my room and realized I never took a picture of my new couch. So I caught one with John relaxing and using the laptop. Look at the knees of his jeans!! You can tell he worked hard today...................................... Isn't she beautiful????
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