On Monday, February 2, John and I took Mom to Bloomington to meet Teri. We had a great lunch at the Olive Garden. I absolutely love eating there. After lunch, John and I drove home and Mom went with Teri to her house for a visit. On the way to Bloomington, Mom was reminiscing about the 50's era and all the neat things they did. She talked about how people dressed and things they did. She was talking about going on dates at the local Maid-Rite restaurant and ordering loose meat Maid-rites with pickles and mustard and then drinking an ice cold Pepsi with peanuts in it. The more she talked, the better it sounded. So last night for supper I made maid-rite sandwiches and french fries and I also thru in a little pasta salad. It was delicious! Thanks Mom for the great idea for supper!
You would not believe how much the kids loved them! Later on after the kids went to bed, John and I watched that new movie out called "Fireproof". It was pretty good, we both enjoyed it.
The nest day, Tuesday, Crystal and I went to Galesburg and treated ourselves to a Pedicure and a manicure. It was so relaxing!! Then we went to Hammers General Feed Store (It's a restaurant) and we had a wonderful lunch! After I picked the kids up from school I took Derek to get a haircut...
Derek really like Barber Joe. he's a nice guy....He's the only barber that Derek has ever been to. So far this week has went pretty well.
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