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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Horse Camp and more....

This past week was awesome for Emily. She attended summer horse camp for the first time. The kids learn to ride horses, care for horses, clean the tack, do crafts, learn about the horse breeds, and at the end of the camp, the kids put on a cute performance . Emily has super time and wants to make sure she can go back next year! Here she is posing with Sassy....and the following pictures are from camp...

During the little performance that the kids put on, Emily rode a pure white horse named Stormy....I think she looks adorable here in her riding hat!

Lucky was a very friendly horse that Emily had a soft spot for and I think he really took to her also. When Emily was around, Lucky pretty much ignored everyone else...

I recently found a great and easy recipe for homemade cinnamon rolls. Since I had never baked using yeast, I was nervous, however you can see by the picture below that they turned out scrumptious!!
In other news.....We have been doing a lot of yard work! We've done some landscaping, and just picking up the yard in general, getting rid of weeds, cleaning up sticks,and planting a few more perrenials. John is building a big doghouse for Walter..I'll have pictures of that on here soon. Over the next few days, we will be 'overhaulin' the garage..haha. Kind of a spring cleaning in the middle of summer, however, the weather is like spring so I guess it all works out. Hopefully soon, we will be able to get back in the pool and enjoy some much warmer weather.

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