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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fall Tradition....

Every fall, John and I invite family and friends to go with us to Lake Story. It's nothing big, but we enjoy it. We usually let the kids play, have a picnic, and take a long trail walk. We also take our dogs with us. This year we took Mocha and Walter. Tootie didn't come this year. We thought 3 dogs was a little much and Tootie doesn't do real well on a leash. Here is a picture of my family....
Derek, Ieshia, and Emily....

Isn't Emily Adorable???

John and Walter
Derek got a little tired along the way and decided to rest...haha

Jason was here and went with us this year....Here he is walking Mocha...

Isn't the scenery beautiful??
Emily with Brian....Brian and Sheri also came with us this year....
Me and John with Mocha and Walter...

Here is Jason with Sheri..




Brian and Sheri
Here are a couple pictures of the gorgeous trees we seen..

Happy Fall Everyone......

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