In honor of Father's Day....I would like to dedicate this post to two of the best Father's I know. My husband, John, and my Father, Donald Brady.
First, my husband.....He is my best friend and a great Father!!
He has chosen to be a Father to 5 wonderful children and has always had a hand in raising them, especially our youngest two, our twins. Even though sometimes it's under duress, he helps with school projects, and enjoys watching his girls and hopefully soon, his son, play sports. Whenever they are sick, all of my kids want their Dad...sometimes they want to sit on his lap and some because of the special little presents he gives them.
I don't even think my kids know the sacrifices Father's make for their kids. He hasn't always been able to go the their special concerts, or school functions because he was at work. He would have rather been with them, but he is a hard worker and always supported his family. Even this Father's Day...he didn't feel good, had 2 terrible tooth aches and where is he at? Outside under Crystals car fixing her exhaust!! That is one Terrific Father!
This year he wanted guns for Father's Day. I think he's going to try something new and try his hand at hunting. All our kids chipped in and here are a few pictures of his guns!
And a few random pics...
Here are pictures of all of his cards....

from Sharayah
from Crystal

from Emily
from Derek

from Ieshia
Father's Day weekend also included a fishing trip...every Father needs a day of rest and relaxation!

we seen a baby deer
and ducks

Happy Father's Day John!!
I also want to honor my Father on this Father's Day post....
My Father has been gone for 19 years. I still miss him so much! I know I will see him again some day but until then...Happy Father's Day Dad!