Now, instead of sitting at the ball park, we sit and fish in the evenings........
and during the day.....he cracks me up....the most impatient fisher boy I have ever seen! As Mom said, it's like fishing with Barney Fife!
I've enjoyed spending time with family....I recently spent the day with my grand-kids and nieces....we had a great time at Lake Story!
We got a kick out of watching my daughter do cartwheels....
On a serious note, I had an appointment with my diabetic counselor recently! I am doing good and got a lot of encouragement from her. I am still eating healthy,
even at Olive Garden.....haha This is a picture of their new menu choice, the trout and instead of the pasta side dish, I chose broccoli. Very good! I am happy to say that I have lost 30lbs now!! Also, my blood sugar has been great too!
I have a lot more to go but I have gotten off to a good start!