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Friday, July 25, 2014

Amazing summer.....

We are still having an amazing summer here in Illinois!  It makes it so easy to keep active when the weather is so good!  Well,  last week was the end of softball for this year.  I love watching the girls play, but ready for a few other things.  They played very well and ended up winning 2nd for their league!!  Congrats to all the girls and their coaches!!

Now, instead of sitting at the ball park, we sit and fish in the evenings........

and during the day.....he cracks me up....the most impatient fisher boy I have ever seen!  As Mom said, it's like fishing with Barney Fife! 

I've enjoyed spending time with family....I recently spent the day with my grand-kids and nieces....we had a great time at Lake Story!

We got a kick out of watching my daughter do cartwheels....

On a serious note, I had an appointment with my diabetic counselor recently!  I am doing good and got a lot of encouragement from her.   I am still eating healthy,
even at Olive Garden.....haha  This is a picture of their new menu choice, the trout and instead of the pasta side dish, I chose broccoli. Very good!   I am happy to say that I have lost 30lbs now!! Also, my blood sugar has been great too!
I have a lot more to go but I have gotten off to a good start!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


      I have been loving this summer weather!  It's nice to get out and walk everyday.  I have been walking 2 1/2 to  4 miles a day!  It just depends on how hot it is and also what time of day I walk!  Today, i'm going to register for my first 5K walk/run/ride!  I'm super excited!!  
     I have been getting a lot of exercise and have been thinking about getting a membership at the YMCA.  I love walking, but I think using the machines might help with losing inches.  Also, along with exercise, eating healthy has been my top priority.  Here is a pic of supper a few nights ago.....

   It was so delicious!   I eat mainly lots of proteins and veggies!  Here is a pic of me down 20lbs.  
I still have a lot to go.
Yesterday we spent the day with friends at Fun City in Burlington, IA.    The kids had a blast!
Derek, Kennedi, and Emily

Emily and Derek

Derek and Emily






Emily was so excited that she was finally tall enough to ride the go carts!

They swam at the outside water park for a few hours (forgot to get pics :(.......)   then we went and had lunch.  I had a cobb salad and it was wonderful!
We all had a fun day!  After we got home, the kids went to Cola Wars which is like a VBS for teens, and I walked 3.11 miles!!  
Thanks for reading, I will update soon!