Today was so beautiful. the sun is shining, a nice warm breeze is blowing, an all in all gorgeous day. About 2 months ago, My chocolate lab Mocha was at the vet to be altered. Moch is 3 years old and has never scratched or had any fleas. While at the vet, the office called and said Mocha was covered in fleas! I couldn't believe it she hadn't even so much as scratched! Any way, I agreed to pay for a medicated bath. From the first day she came home, She has been scratching and digging and trying to eat herself. I am convinced she got the fleas at the vets office. Well I tried a bath with flea shampoo, and also went to the vet and bought some advantage for all my pets. Nothing helped. She is scratching more everyday and at night all I hear is scratching, digging and her tags ratteling. I checked out home remedies on the internet today. It was suggested to give your dog a bath in dawn dish soap. Let it stay on your dog for at least 5 minutes. So the fist thing I did was put her collar in hot soapy water that I had put Dawn dish soap in. Then I gave her the bath and let her soak for the recommend time. Soon as her bath was over, I checked her collar and you wouldn't believe how many fleas were floating in the water!!!
Well, she is drying slowly and although she's scratching and licked, I think she's cleaning herself, she seems to be much better! It was also suggested to put 1/2 Dawn dish soap and 1/2 water in a spray bottle and spray all cloth furniture, carpet, bedding. So guess what I'm going to do for the rest of the afternoon???? Yep! Spray down the house.
Here are a couple of pics of Mocha
after her bath!

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