After our walk at Lake Story, we came home and rested for a few hours while John had to work on a car. Then we all loaded back up and went to the pumpkin patch. We were all so excited to go, especially Emily and Sharayah! We got a truck load of them. I friend of ours who lives in Knoxville, Il......has a pumpkin patch and let us get what ever we wanted..(Thanks Gary!)
Here's one of my pumpkins..................
I think Sharayah is going to need some help getting hers to the truck!
Ieshia posing with her perfect pumpkin!!
Mom found a smaller one.........easier to lift................
WOW! Look at the variety of pumpkins we got!
We really had an exciting day!
However.....on a sadder note....later on when we came home, our cat cinnamon was acting funny. We were all giving him a little extra attention and John was holding him. Within just a few minutes he quit breathing. We are going to miss cinnamon. He was a great cat!!
We Love You Cinnamon!!!!!!!

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