The last few days have been busy. On Friday, my kids went and picked up their report cards....Everyone had A's, B's, and C's. They all passed! Derek was awarded with a $10 gift certificate to Quinns Corner for perfect attendance for the whole year!!
On Saturday evening, I had cake and ice cream to celebrate Ieshia's 8th grade graduation...I made her favorite cake....double layer white cake with white frosting...It was delish and very moist...there was only one piece left and Ieshia had it later for a snack!

After we ate cake, we had a few tornado warnings and we all went to the basement....(it was a little nicer than when Teri was visiting and we had to go to the basement at the other house....hahaha).....Everyone went home and then the sirens came on again while Andy and Sharayah were on their way back. This time they brought their dog because we was crying and was scared...he hung out in the bathroom downstairs and then in the upstairs bathroom when the tornado threat was over...
He wasn't very happy to be in there....but I was very happy because I got to hold and cuddle with Blaize....
Precious Little One
We waited for you for many weeks,
Cute little hands and rosy cheeks.
Grandma's little angel, tiny and sweet,
From the top of your head down to your feet.
You are so very perfect in every way,
The way I'm feeling, words can't say.
I love you so much, I'm glad you are here,
Wherever you are, I will always be near.
Tammy Keller 06/05/10
Earlier in the day, I found Derek and Emily playing in the ditch out in front of our was so cute! The made little fishing poles out of sticks and was pretend fishing! I couldn't help but take pictures...

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