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Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Well, Summer is official now....we have the heat, humidty, and the pool!!! I had to clean a little debris the first time I got in this was so nice! John, Derek, Emily and I took a day trip to Earlville on Friday.....Fathers Day was almost here and John wanted to put flowers at the cemetary for his Dad.... We visited a few friends while we were there. Toren and Regina have two Mastiffs...Gracie
and Ben
However, we had to come home early due to storm damage that happened while we were away...
Luckily the half of the tree that fell down didn't hit anything.... however, now the rest of the tree has to come down...
My cousin Toby Brady stopped by the other day with his family.....wife, Marcia and new baby boy, Toby jr.....isn't he a cutie???

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer has arrived....

Summer is here! Our week started with a wonderful fishing trip on Sunday! We all got sunburns and a few fish. Mocha even got to go....I'm not sure if she enjoyed it but she didn't leave my side for a second...

John started putting the basement back together and Derek gave his drill a work out! He is such a great helper.....John wouldn't know what to do without his right-hand man!
While the guys were busy working on the house.....Emily and I went and got a manicure and a pedicure...
Thursday morning we all woke up around 4am to a horrible storm.....we escaped with only a few limbs and a few things blown across the yard.....Mom had a Maple tree down in her backyard....Sharayah and Andy on the other hand, had a huge tree fall down in their front yard....there were two cars in the drive (one was Johns') and the tree fell between them! I couldn't believe it....the top of the tree fell on the neighbors house....This is the neighbors house.....Thankfully no one was hurt and her landlord has already removed the also knocked down a power line which is still laying in her they are camping out here at my house until their power is restored.....The kids were up early in the wee hours of the morning and when the weather finally died down they actually crashed! We were talking and had the TV on and they didn't budge...
Later on that morning, we took Sheri to Hannibal, Mo to take care of some are a few pics of our "road trip"..

Temperatures soared after the storm and reached into the 90's with heat index over 100*......The high temperatures made clean up from the storm almost unbearable! Well that's all for now.....

Friday, June 12, 2009

Pool Time....!!

It's the time of year to get the pool out and put it up! This year we are planning to leave it up and winterize it....So we decided to landscape around it...We used lights and rock it looks really nice..... Derek was really a great help! He works like a man! After all the hard work, we went to Taco Bell with Sharayah and Andy.... Sheri got all moved into her house....Teri and I helped her to some decorating. Her house is really cozy so far....

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Another great day of fishing!! Derek caught his first fish ever! He ended up getting a total of 3, one of his was the biggest caught all day....boy you should have seen the look on his face!

Emily got a fish with the help of Courtney.....
We all had a great time... here are the rest of the pictures of our fun day!