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Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Weekend

It's a beautiful sunny day!  This is a very bright, yet hot Memorial Day weekend!  Sunday, we were at church, and we watched a short presentation about those who made the ultimate sacrifice.   I can't help but think of all those who sacrificed that are not honored.  For instance, all the children who grew up without a parent.  All of the devoted wives who became single parents.  All of the parents who lost their children.  We need to teach our children to honor the soldiers, servicemen, brave men and all those who interrupted their lives to give us freedom.
     My family gathered at Brian and Sheri's house today for  Memorial Day lunch.  Great food and we enjoyed visiting with family!  One of my favorite things to do is watch the kids play together!
Audrey and Lyndie

Emily and Blaize

Emily and Lauren

Emily and Lauren were telling little secrets!  lol It was very nice outside but very windy!!
Brian and Sheri


Debbie and Willie

The food was great!  I think Lauren loved the jello cake...

Not sure what all Kate had...but looks like she enjoyed it!  

 It was a good day!




Audrey and her Popsicle 

Annabelle loved all the attention and the snacks!

         After we  came home, I took a few pics of my roses!  John and I planted some new rose bushes and they are blooming and are absolutely gorgeous!




I'm excited about our garden this year!  John planted the whole garden!  Debbie has been spending a lot of time weeding and watering it.  I noticed after John watered it last night and all the humidity we had over the weekend that it has really grown and looks really good!

                 Blooms on my tomato plants!!       
     Every year, a sparrow builds a nest and hatches eggs in my clothesline pole.  Usually, we can hear the baby birds squawking. Emily got brave and climbed up on the picnic table and took a few pictures today!

                         Cute little baby birds!
I ended my wonderful day with a foot massage and lotion from the best son in the whole world!!  Thank You Derek!!!  I love you so much and really enjoyed my foot rub!!




Saturday, May 26, 2012

Summer has started!

On May 23rd, My Mom celebrated her 69th Birthday!!  Happy Birthday to my sweet, Beautiful Mother!
Sharon Lonas

Also on May 23, was Emily's first softball game!  She played a great game.  For part of the game she played 2nd base, and for the rest she was catcher..

                             She looks so tiny!

           Other than myself, here are her loyal fans...
      The highlight of her summer vacation so far was when Uncle Tom and Aunt Becky came to visit and brought her a huge jar of pickles!!

She's a child after my own heart!  
We were running errands in Galesburg, and when I asked Emily where she wanted to eat lunch, she said "Can we please go to McDonald's cause they have those scrumptious little cheeseburgers!" haha  So, here she is eating one of those cheeseburgers!!

             Of course, Derek and I liked it too!  

Big Mac attack

We stopped at the Knox County humane society to volunteer.  We chose an older chocolate lab to take outside and walk.  He was such a sweet dog!!

  Poor guy!  How could you not love this face???  I hope he finds a really good forever home!
Each one of them also found a favorite cat to play with!  Very lovable cats!

We really did have a great day!

Still May....

I still have more to post for the month of May!  Wow! What a busy month!  Emily sang with the 5th grade choir at the 5th grade awards banquet.
Love her polka dots!

Emily and Courtney

Emily had a solo part and sang like a bird!  
Derek got paid for his first mowing job!!  He was so excited!!  Congrats Derek!

Two thumbs up for my hardworking son!!  Only 11 and already wanting to work!!
Emily worked hard all school year and received a certificate for perfect attendance!  That makes 3 years in a row without missing even one day of school!

     So here she is at  Quinns with her BFF using her certificate................
Emily and Courtney

Of course we can't forget the last day of school pics!
This is also the last day of Elementary school. So, farewell Hedding Grade School!!
DerekCourtney and Emily


Ieshia had a spring concert and was recognized for their solo/ensemble awards...
L-R Chanda and Ieshia

The high school choir

Ieshia, Chanda, and Jayna sang a song called Hold My Hand by Michael Jackson.  It was awesome!!  

Great Job Girls!!