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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

     I don't know about you all, but I am really enjoying this wonderful fall scenery!  When I took my walk the other day, I snapped a few pictures of the beautiful trees!!
What wonderful beauty God gives us this time of year!  It has been cool and rainy the last couple of days and the colors are still turning and becoming even more vibrant than before.  
It's great to take advantage of the nice weather 
to finish a few projects before it's too cold out. I was recently given a few chairs from friends who were moving (Yes!  they were FREE) and I gave them a makeover!  Here is the before and after...
 And the finished product!!!   I used just a inexpensive flat black spray paint from our local dollar store.  I love the way they turned out.

My husband has also been taking on a project.  It's much bigger than mine was.  He has noticed that the old windows that were originally put in the garage were leaking and his garage was taking on a lot of water damage.  
So, as you can see, the only thing to do was remove the windows and replace the wall.  Also, he decided to change the look of the garage and put the walk-in door on this side, instead of where it was.  So, here are a few pics of the tearing down and rebuilding the wall.

I will have an update and more pictures in a later post!

Anyway, I have struggled the last week with staying with my low-carb lifestyle. I don't call it a diet since I have diabetes and I have a medical need to eat low sugar and low-carb.  Even though my blood sugars are good, I am still trying to lose a little more weight as well, but, I have been on a roller coaster with a couple of pounds.  This morning during my devotion, the thought came to me that my weight loss is like my walk with God.  Although I want it to be perfect,it is not.  I try to follow Christ but I am a sinner.  God is merciful!  Even though I try hard to only eat what is good for me, I'm tempted with a bite of this, or a piece of that, or just a little of that.
It is a great comfort to know that it is God that girdeth me with strength.... Psalm 18: 32.  I know I can get over this!  Just as God's mercy is new every morning, I have another day to make good choices and eat better than I did the day before.
Now, time to stand up, hold my head high, take a deep breath and trust in God that he will get me through yet another hurdle!  I am at 93# lost and I WILL reach my 100# goal! 
I seen this saying today and it reminded me that sometimes you have to try harder, sacrifice more and go the extra mile for what you want to achieve!
Thanks for reading!


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